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Post-Holiday Blues? Tips for a Happier New Year in Galveston


Ease into January with gratitude and guidance.

woman meditating
Post-Holiday Blues

The past year has ended, and the whirlwind of holiday activity has given way to quiet. Whether you spent the holidays with a multitude of family and friends, or kept things a bit more low-key, you hopefully had opportunities to celebrate and relax with loved ones. In Galveston, holiday celebrations go especially big! So, it can be tough to return to your typical routine... and the post-holiday blues might set in.

If you're feeling down after the holidays, you're not alone. This is a common experience, but it can be managed with gratitude and being present in the moment. Gratitude doesn’t need to always be a large, all-encompassing feeling; appreciating the small things can make a big difference.

Now that things have settled, you can ease out of the holiday season (and avoid those post-holiday blues) by taking time to relive the memories you made. Writing in a journal is a wonderful way to document the sweet, joyful, and funny moments. Take time to recall and describe not only the events, but also the warm feelings you felt, in as much detail as you can. If you were able to accomplish something special despite feeling overwhelmed, make sure to include that too! Giving yourself credit for your hard work is an act of self-care.

Review and organize any photos you took, and have prints made if you can. Sending photos – along with a note letting your loved ones know how much they mean to you and how special your time together was – will make them feel good, and make you feel good too. Just because the holidays have ended doesn't mean the spirit has to! They may be experiencing post-holiday blues as well, and that sincere and personal gesture can give them a boost.

While many will discuss New Year’s resolutions, those can be difficult when dealing with post-holiday blues. The best resolution you can make is to be kind to yourself. Practicing true self-care – ensuring your own needs are met, and recognizing your worth – is the greatest daily tool you can have.

If you are in Galveston or Southeast Texas and need help on your journey toward gratitude and self-worth, Certified Life Coach Rachel Stokes, CPC of Living Life the Happy Way offers guided meditation, one-on-one life coaching, and other services to help you avoid post-holiday blues. You can also give yourself the ultimate New Year’s gift with a Galveston beach retreat, where you can relax, reset your mind, and learn valuable skills for finding and maintaining your center.

Not every day can be a big event – otherwise, we’d be exhausted, and the holidays would lose their excitement! It is possible, however, to make every day special, filled with gratitude and meaning. Find your path forward with Rachel Stokes at 713-515-7484, or email

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